Registered NDIS Provider # 4-GPTSM6Y

Our Vision


Actively working in creating an inclusive community that respects diversity across all people with disability and empowers them to live in quality homes and have the life they want to with pride


To be a trusted housing partner of people with disability, provide opportunity to strengthen their confidence to live, work, play, strive for fun and provide respect for their inherent dignity.


We are an advocacy and believe that people with disability irrespective of age, color, gender, religious background, sexuality, degree of disability, cultural background or any linguistic background:

  • Have right to live life with dignity.
  • Are respected as individual clients.
  • Have rights to expect best possible service.
  • Are empowered to speak up.
  • Entitled to live free from prejudice, discrimination, and vilification.
  • Are entitled to be approached with integrity, and be part of, the diverse community.